The Sky’s the Limit for a 职业生涯 in 金融 - 新濠天地app大学-新濠天地app

The Sky’s the Limit for a 职业生涯 in 金融

Picture of The Sky’s the Limit for a 职业生涯 in 金融

你发现自己对股票、债券、金融市场和其他投资工具很感兴趣吗? Do you also enjoy thinking about numbers? 如果你的回答是肯定的,那么金融学位当然值得你考虑.

金融, 然而, is known to be a fiercely competitive field to break into; after all, 它提供高薪工作,众所周知,那些成功登顶的人可以获得六到七位数的收入和奖金. 与其他领域相比,即使是入门级的金融工作也有很强的收入潜力. 事实上, 金融行业的年平均工资几乎是所有其他行业的两倍.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 在2026年之前的十年中,商业和金融业务的就业机会预计将增加10%. Factors such as globalization, 复杂的监管和税收环境以及经济增长预计将持续下去, leading to a high demand for auditors and accountants. 对市场研究分析师的需求也在不断增长,他们有能力分析数据和市场研究,并评估营销策略.

Financial 职业生涯 Opportunities

The 金融 industry is vast, offering a wide range of occupations. 虽然你在这个行业中获得的初级职位可能不是你理想的工作, once you have your foot in the door, there are lots of opportunities to move around, evolve and find your niche. 最热门的入门级职位包括分析师、财务顾问、审计师和税务助理. All jobs generally require, 至少, an undergraduate degree with math- and economics-oriented majors preferred.

Financial Services is a multifaceted industry, 提供广泛的职业机会,迎合各种兴趣和技能. It also has many sub-industries that include a variety of niche opportunities. Let’s look at some common career paths available in the 金融 sector.


The public accounting field offers a substantial number of career opportunities. 公共会计师的职责包括通过以下方式跟踪个人和企业的财务状况:

  •   Recording business transactions
  •   Preparing financial statements
  •   审计财务记录
  •   Preparing income tax returns
  •   Providing related consulting services

作为一名会计,你通常会在合伙企业工作,从职员会计开始. You could then advance through the ranks as an audit manager, 然后是税务经理,然后, 通过大量的努力工作, eventually become a partner in the firm.


职业生涯 options in the commercial banking sector include loan officers, operations and branch managers. Advancement opportunities could lead to positions in a bank's corporate headquarters, 开辟了许多其他利基职业机会,如国际金融.


在金融领域,投资银行提供了一些最具吸引力和最具金融内涵的职业机会. Positions in investment banking facilitate the issuance of corporate securities, making them available for purchase by investors, 同时也为富裕的个人投资者和公司提供金融建议和证券交易.


那些拥有公司财务职业的人,在寻找和管理运营组织所需的资本的同时,也降低了财务风险,最大化了公司价值. Corporate 金融 occupations are available in companies, both large and small.

More sophisticated positions involve acquisitions and merger activity, 比如估算一项业务收购的价值,或者为剥离确定一个部门的价值. Additional corporate 金融 occupations include internal auditors, treasurers and financial analysts.


对冲基金行业的职业生涯被许多人认为是神秘迷人的. 这些工作允许你买卖各种各样的资产和金融产品,因为你管理着基本上不受监管的私人投资基金. Typical jobs in the hedge funds industry include:

  •   投资组合经理
  •   营销经理
  •   定量分析
  •   Regulatory compliance officer
  •   交易员
  •   金融分析师

Venture Capital and Private Equity

风险投资专业人士主要与初创公司或快速成长的小企业合作. 风险投资公司在决定是否投资之前会对公司进行评估. 风险投资家进行的交易通常使投资者比接受资金的公司受益. Although the failure rate is high, when successful, the rewards can be exorbitant.

私募股权专业人士帮助公司为当前运营和未来扩张寻找资金, 以及, 为重组和管理收购等各种交易提供资金. 私募股权公司的职位可能要求你在一家陷入困境的公司担任临时高管, where your efforts can determine the fate of the organization.


财务规划行业的工作可以让你帮助个人规划他们现在和未来的财务需求. 财务规划师通常会审查财务目标,以便制定个性化的储蓄和投资计划, with a focus on investment growth, wealth preservation and/or estate and tax planning. Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) are in high demand.



Financial 职业生涯 Training at Geneva

几乎任何行业的每家公司都需要训练有素的财务专家. Most financial jobs tend to be highly specialized, 使你有可能找到一个确切的利基和一个特定的工作,符合你的兴趣, experience level and training.

If you’d like to learn more about obtaining a degree in 金融 以及任何其他职业,可以让你全心全意地在你的生活工作中忠心地服务,或者想要更多地了解基于圣经的工作, Christ-centered education at Geneva, we’d love to chat with you. For more information on how 新濠天地app大学 可以帮助您实现您的教育目标,请致电855-979-5563或发邮件至


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